Thursday, April 16, 2009

Men see bikini-clad women as objects-

I recently read an article on The article was about studies that were recently carried out that proved men objectified women. The article describes men’s instinctive attraction to women in order to spread the male’s genes. The article explains how most men see a woman in a bikini and think about first person verbs rather than third person verbs, which were associated with pictures of clothed women. The first person verbs are similar to “push”, “handle”, and “grab” rather than “pushes”, “handles”, and “grabs.” The fact that men use first person verbs to describe women in bikinis, leads scientist to conclude that men objectify women.

I have a plethora of feelings about this article. Some of my feelings are contradictory but with an abundance of responses to this article I believe that it is understandable. My first problem with this article is that this article suggests that all hetero-sexual men objectify women because of male genetics. I find this very untrue because many men don’t objectify women. On the contrary, men objectifying women can’t only be blamed on genetics; pop-culture plays a big role in the objectification of women, with music, movies, and television. I believe that men objectifying women is a genetic thing because as members of the animal kingdom, we have an instinct to further our gene pool and continue our lineage and species. I also believe that man has evolved over the ages and not all men objectify women.

I like this article because it proves that science is everywhere and it proves that science is common sense with out realizing that it proves these two points. I love science and this article finally gives me hope that I can end up with a career in science. If it takes a team of scientist to figure out that men are more attracted to women in bikinis rather than women that are fully clothed, think about how great I could be. Seriously though, this article was very interesting. The article explained how if a man views images of a highly sexualized woman, then has a conversation with that woman, the man is more likely to have sexual words on his mind. Women might think that this research is demeaning but they have a lot to learn from this research. If a woman wants to be seen for the person she really is, she shouldn’t go looking for a date while she is at the beach and in her bikini. Now this might seem like common sense to some of you women, but there are those of you all that think this is a perfectly acceptable situation for finding a serious boyfriend. Im not insulting the intelligence of those women who go to the beach to find a date, but the facts prove that a lot of men won’t see these women for the beautiful women that they are, men will see the women for the “hot chicks in the bikinis” (there is nothing wrong with that if women are okay with that).

The article goes on to state that men view women for their fertility and youth whereas, women might look at men as instruments in terms of the male’s social status or resources. I’m not sure whether I like this article or not. I like talking about women, so that was a plus, but I dislike a lack of common sense, so I was somewhat turned off by this article. I wouldn’t recommend this article to anyone else because it is simply common sense, yet there are those of my peers that would enjoy reading this article; therefore I cannot in all honesty say that I don’t recommend reading this article.

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