Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twlight by Stephanie Meyer

Twilight is a fantastic novel that is quickly circulating among not only teenagers, but adults as well. Based on the idea of vampires, a blood thirsty crave is raving throughout the United States. Along with a movie based on Twilight that has just been released are 3 follow up novels titled New Moon, Breaking Dawn and Eclipse. A movie based on New Moon is scheduled to come out in the summer time.
Twilight is a story about an average teenage girl named Bella, who's parents are divorced and she lives with her mother in Phoenix, Arizona, while her father lives in Forks, Washington- the wetest and rainiest place on the planet. During the middle of her school year, her mother's new boyfriend, a rising professional baseball player, has to make trip to Florida for training for an unknown amount of time. Instead of deciding to go with them, Bella takes to staying with her father in Forks so her mother and her boyfriend can have some time alone together. When Bella gets to Forks, she is expecting to despise the place, considering she hates everything about it, especially then rain. Everyone at her new school in this small town knows about her and wants to be her friend. All except for her curious lab partner, Edward Cullen, a strikingly beautiful boy in a "clan" with other family members who are all equally gorgeous and distant from people. Bella can't seem to grasp why Edward doesn't like her when he doesnt even know her. But, one day she is almost killed in a car accident and Edward comes to her rescue and saves her life. From there on out, Edward seems to be popping up everywhere she is and keeping her out of dangerous situations. They become friends and eventually end up liking each other. After spending some time with Edward, Bella realizes some not-so-normal qualitites about him, such as: he never goes out in the sunlight, he's incredibly fast, incredibly strong, and unbelieveably pale. She figures out he is a vampire along with the rest of the family. But the two of them work through the struggle of their undying love for each other and the fact that Edward wants Bella's blood more than any human ever. Towards the end of the story, Bella is put in the way of a Tracker who is willing to kill Bella for her blood. In order to save her life, Edward's whole family chips in to whisk her out of Forks and lead the Tracker away. Then, the Tracker finds her mother and threatens to murder her if Bella doesn't agree to giving in to him. So she meets him in her old ballet studio and he bites her, but before he can do much damage, Edward shows up and fights and kills the Tracker. Then, Edward is forced to suck the venom out of Bella and saves her life once more.
Twlight is a captivating read and extremely hard to put down once you pick it up and I definitly reccommend it to anyone who is looking for something out of the ordinary but certainly interesting and relative to their own life.


  1. I agree with this description of Twilight. I read it from cover to cover in one day on a car ride to Atlanta. It is simply impossible to put down—maybe because of the emotions of the characters is so easy to relate to that it feels like you are in the book, living their lives. Even though I was completely against these books at first and rolled my eyes at even a mention of the title, it became one of my favorite books immediately after finishing it. I am eager to finish the third book and start the fourth.

  2. I agree with Kelly! Back when the Twilight series began to become really popular and everywhere you looked you would see someone holding a book from the Twilight series in their hands, I would just roll my eyes and wonder to myself why they we're reading that nonsense. But a few months ago, after seeing the movie with some friends, I told myself that I should at least try to understand what all the fuss was about and start reading. The movie was fairly alright so I thought the book might not be too bad. From page 1, I was hooked! I couldn’t put it down! I finished it in less than a week and went on to read the second, third, and forth books within that same month! These books are definitely four of the best books I have ever read!


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